
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 90 percent of all businesses worldwide and employ more than 50 percent of the global workforce. Between 80 and 95 percent of the world’s micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises are in developing countries, where they contribute up to 55 percent of GDP. These small businesses form the core of local and regional economies, and drive resilience along the global value chain.

SMEs in both developed and emerging economies are facing rising risks. But small businesses in emerging economies also have to contend with infrastructure, finance and capacity constraints, and the vast majority have no insurance of any kind. UNDP is working to enable these essential businesses to increase their financial resilience, safeguarding livelihoods and helping developing economies grow.

UNDP’s offer

UNDP is building evidence and digital tools to help SMEs understand and manage risk, and in partnership with industry, is working to develop the latest in financial solutions. Meanwhile, innovation challenges are incentivizing the development and distribution of insurance solutions tailored to SMEs’ needs across UNDP’s financial resilience portfolio.

Where we

Building resilient countries and communities across the world.

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Our projects

UNDP is helping small businesses understand and manage risk.

Sap from a tree